New Regulations Being Proposed in Administrative Procedure Code and in Law on Prosecutor’s Office Debated
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At July 9 extraordinary sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs moderated by Vladimir Vardanyan, the bill on Making Addenda to the RA Administrative Procedure Code authored by the NA deputies Artur Davtyan, Vladimir Vardanyan and Anna Karapetyan was debated in the second reading procedure. In his main report Artur Davtyan noted that there had not been additional amendment after the first reading.

In his co-report the Committee member Suren Grigoryan proposed his colleagues to vote for it.

The Government did not present objections.

The bill on Making Addendum and Amendment to the Law on Prosecutor’s Office authored by the NA deputies Vladimir Vardanyan and Anna Karapetyan was also debated in the second reading.

In his speech the NA deputy Sergey Atomyan has emphasized the adoption of the draft law, noting they should implement flexible policy for replacement of the vacant positions.

The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Srbuhi Galyan also evaluated the urgent adoption of the initiative in the context of the vacant positions in the Prosecutor’s Office.

The Committee endorsed the two debated draft laws.