RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan’s Congratulatory Message on the 14th Anniversary of NKR’s Independence

RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan sent congratulatory messages to NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan, NKR NA President Ashot Ghulyan, NKR Prime Minister Anushavan Danielyan on the 14-th anniversary of the Nagorno Karabakh’s independence.

To NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan

Dear Mr. Ghukasyan,

I warmly congratulate you and all the Artsakh people on the 14-th anniversary of the independence.

The past 14 years have proved that the people of Artsakh not only withstood the tests of war and peaceful life but also created its strong and stable statehood. I bow before the martyrs of the liberation struggle and hereafter, I wish Artsakh to live in peace and democracy.

To NKR NA President Ashot Ghulyan

Dear Mr. Ghulyan,

I warmly congratulate you and all NKR National Assembly deputies of Nagorno Karabakh on the 14-th anniversary of the independence.

The Artsakh people secured their right to a decent life in a liberation struggle and reiterating their commitment to human values, carry on the road of constructing the statehood, the role of the National Assembly, as a legislative body, which is called on to ensure the legislative bases for the development and progress.

On the occasion of the anniversary I wish you and all the deputies of the National Assembly success, effective work and I express readiness of cooperation of the National Assembly of Armenia.

To NKR Prime Minister Anushavan Danielyan

Dear Mr. Danielyan,

Accept my warm congratulations to you and the NKR Government members on the 14-th anniversary of independence.

The past years were tests of war and peace for the Artsakh people and Artsakh not only passed the tests and proved its viability and commitment but also created its independent statehood.

A country is strong with its economy, and the economic success become as basis for the political progress, therefore, I wish you and the members of the Government success on the way to the economic strengthening of Artsakh. 



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