The Delegation of the International Union of Latin Notaries in National Assembly

On September 2 Tigran Torosyan, Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, received the delegation of Latin Notaries headed by Mr. Decore, President of the International Cooperation Committee of the International Union of Latin Notaries.

Highlighting the importance of the visit to Armenia The NA Vice Speaker, noted that since 2001 when Armenia became a member of the Council of Europe, it declared the integration to Europe as a priority for its foreign policy. In this context the reform of the law system and its compliance to European standards are important. According to Mr. Torosyan, the efficient Parliament - Ministry of Justice cooperation has greatly contributed to the compliance of the Armenian legislation to the European standards. Coming to the necessity of the establishment and development of notarial system in Armenia, Mr. Torosyan highlighted the importance of the law “About Notary,” which was adopted in 2002 and was also a result of cooperation with the Latin Notary.

Mr. Decore welcomed the reforms taking place in Armenia noting that the establishment of the notarial system has an important role for the development of the country. According to his estimation, the notarial system in Armenia is established and operates efficiently, which gives the possibility to Armenia to become a member of the International Union of Latin Notaries. In this aspect an important role was reserved to the operating law, which satisfies the needs of the system. The guests particularly presented their organization: it was created in 1948 in Buenos Ayres, has 71 member countries.It was noted that the goals of the Union are to present the Latin notarial system in the international organizations, cooperate with national notarial organizations, study and develop the legislation, which regulates this sphere.

During the meeting other issues of bilateral interest were also discussed.