Ararat Mirzoyan Sends His Condolence Message to Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Lebanon Nabih Berri

The RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan offered his condolences to the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Lebanon Nabih Berri on the occasion of the explosion at the port of Beirut.

“Your Excellency,

We learnt with deep grief on the explosion occurred at the port of Beirut.

On behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and personally me I offer our deepest condolences and comforting word to the families and close relatives of those who died, and wish speedy recovery to all the injured.

I am sure that the people of Lebanon will find strength and steadfastness to cure the wounds caused by this disaster and quickly restore the destructions.

Please, accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration,” the condolence message by the RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan reads.

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