Discussion of a draft law at NA Standing Committee

On September 6 with the participation of chairmen of creative unions, the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, and Youth discussed the RA draft law “On Creative Workers and Creative Unions.” There were a lot of suggestions concerning the guarantees of state support towards the activities of creative unions, the founders of creative unions, the structural peculiarities, the order of establishment and registration, the statute, the union chairman’s duties and responsibilities.

Hranush Hakobyan, the Chairwoman of the Committee expressed her satisfaction for such a concerned debate and for the useful remarks and assured that they will be included in the draft law to make it more complete.

Washington Meetings Continue
The Cities of USA and Armenia to CooperateAt the meeting of the leadership of US “Sister Cities International” international organization and NA President Artur Baghdasaryan issues of cooperation development between the cities and regions (states) of Armenia and USA were discussed. During the meetin...