RA National Assembly Passes Statement at Extraordinary Sitting
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On September 28, the RA National Assembly convened an extraordinary sitting at the RA NA deputies’ initiative.

Before turning to the debate of the agenda item, by the proposal of the NA President Ararat Mirzoyan the deputies honoured in one-minute silence the memory of the Armenian brave sons, who died for the defense of the Motherland.

The RA NA Draft Statement on Condemning the Military Aggression Unleashed by Azerbaijan against the Artsakh Republic on 27 September 2020 authored by the RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan and parliamentary all forces – the heads of My Step, Bright Armenia factions Lilit Makunts, Edmon Marukyan and the Secretary of the Prosperous Armenia Faction Arman Abovyan was included in the agenda of the sitting.

The RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan read the Statement. See the Statement completely here:

About two dozen MPs who had been registered for exchange of ideas strongly condemned the Turkish-Azerbaijani large-scale and targeted aggression towards the Artsakh Republic, calling on the international community to give distinct legal-political assessment to the regular adventurism of Azerbaijan, restraining from general appeals. Some of the MPs also touched upon the importance of the recognition of the Artsakh Republic, considering the item on the agenda. This is a struggle of democracy and dictatorship, the MPs expressed conviction, underlining that the Armenian people will get out of this ordeal with victory, more united and consolidated.

The nowadays policy of Turkey and Azerbaijan is directly a threat to the international peace and security, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Vladimir Vardanyan expressed conviction, noting that the war crimes have no expiration date, and the persons, who has committed such crimes, will always be condemned, and will be condemned not only in Armenia, but also in every civilized country. “Remember, whenever it will be, where ever it will be, how it will be, new Benjamin Ferents will come after you, any war crime will get its worthy answer, there is no other option, there is no other solution, this is the struggle between humanity and xenophobia,” he stressed, quoting the accusatory word of the State Prosecutor Benjamin Ferents presented by the USA in Nuremberg Court addressed to the Nazi criminal.

The parliament passed the RA NA Statement unanimously with 118 for, 0 against and 0 abstained.

The parliament ended the work of the extraordinary sitting.

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