Parliament Passes Agreement on Energy Sphere
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On November 18, the parliament continued the work of the regular sittings.

The RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Hakob Vardanyan introduced for debate the draft law on Ratifying Letter-Agreement ‘Caucasian Electricity Communication Network II – Armenia-Georgia Transmitter Line/Sub-Stations’ Extension of the Loan Agreement Term Costs and Post-Payment Changed Schedule signed on 1 July 2020.

It has been noted that Iran-Armenia Third Transmission Line is also built, and the construction and the operation of Ddmashen Sub-Station being part of the programme, is very necessary for its working.

The Deputy Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Artak Manukyan highlighted the necessity of the adoption of the draft law and noted that the Agreement had a goal to improve the RA energy security.

The parliament passed the draft law.

At the last sitting of the day, in accordance with the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the members of the Government answered to the deputies’ questions.

Covering the agenda the National Assembly ended the work of the regular sittings.