At Press Conference of RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction
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On December 28, at the press conference of the RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction the NA draft decision on Suspending the Powers of the Deputy of the RA National Assembly Naira Zohrabyan as Chair of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs presented by the RA NA My Step Faction was touched upon, which proposed to suspend the Powers of the Deputy of the RA National Assembly Naira Zohrabyan as Chair of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs.

Addressing critical words to the RA Prime Minister and the authorities, Naira Zohrabyan informed that they applied to the RA CC for questioning the item of the constitutionality of the NA draft decision. According to her, the draft decision is a political settling of a score towards her and the Prosperous Armenia Party.

The Secretary of the Faction Arman Abovyan and the deputy of the Faction Gevorg Petrosyan, also criticizing the current authorities, considered inadmissible the draft decision on depriving their colleague from the post of the Chair of the Standing Committee. They stressed the importance of Naira Zohrabyan’s activities in the international structures.

The rapporteurs also answered the journalists’ questions.


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