The National Assembly For The People

In the evening of September 20th the concert “The National Assembly For The People’’ was held in the yard of the National Assembly on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the RA Independence and 15th anniversary of the RA NA. In his greeting speech, the NA President Artur Baghdasaryan said that the event is becoming a tradition and from now on the doors of the Parliament will be open for the people.

The Russian State Academic Chamber Orchestra participated in the concert, Konstantin Orbelyan artistic director and conductor. The soloists were Mikayel Simonyan, Arus Achemyan and Araks Davtyan. The guest of honor was Dmitri Khvorostovsky, world wide famous baritone. Konstantin Orbelyan and Dmitri Khvorostovski were awarded with the prizes of RA National Assembly, Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs and the prizes of the Armenian Agency of Tourism Development.

NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan, NKR NA Speaker Ashot Ghulyan, representatives of NGOs, international organizations and embassies attended the concert.

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