Age Threshold of Contract Servicemen’s Service is Designed to Raise
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On March 24, the parliament in the first reading debated the draft law on Amending the RA Law on Military Service and Serviceman’s Status authored by the NA Bright Armenia Faction. As the key rapporteur Edmon Marukyan has informed, it is proposed to raise the age threshold for contract servicemen’s service up to 63 years of age: by the law in force the mentioned servicemen can serve up to 40 or 45 age.

The Government did not endorse the draft law, considering high the proposing age threshold. Edmon Marukyan has noted that the authors of the initiative are ready to reduce the proposing threshold and give opportunity to the servicemen to continue their work. He also informed that the contract servicemen in Artsakh Republic can work up to the age of 60.

The authors think that the adoption of the draft law will reduce the number of those leaving for work abroad to some extent.

Armen Khachatryan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security. According to him, the Committee has debated in detail the bill and considers necessary its adoption. He also proposed to reduce the age threshold.

The RA Deputy Minister of Defense Arman Sargsyan assured that the Government would work with the authors up to the second reading and would come to an agreement.

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