Issues on Legislation Regulating Status of Missing Persons Discussed
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On March 31, the deputies of the RA NA My Step Faction Nazeli Baghdasaryan, Arusyak Julhakyan and Tatevik Gasparyan met with the International Committee of the Red Cross delegation in Armenia.

Issues on the adoption of the law on the legislation regulating the status of the missing persons, particularly the law on Missing Persons were discussed. First, Nazeli Baghdasaryan presented the situation existing in our country in that issue and the undertaken steps. To the MP’s conviction, the 44-day war faced us before other reality, if before the adoption of the law by some institutions was considered out of date, then in the created situation the adoption of the such legal act is a necessity. It was noted that intermediary solutions were made to the problem in the shape of legislative amendments and the social programs being implemented by the Government, but complete and comprehensive regulation is necessary.

The model law of the International Committee of the Red Cross, which was applied in a number of countries, was touched upon.

“We expressed hope that the experience and approaches, which were adopted in those countries, would be possible to apply in Armenia, too,” Baghdasaryan said.

The versions and approaches of the model law, which can be consonant with the RA legislation. Both sides highlighted the implementation of the steps aimed at the strengthening of the missing persons’ legal protection.