Endorsement to Legislative Package on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Bankruptcy
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The package of the draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Bankruptcy and on Making Addenda to the Law on Compulsory Enforcement and Judicial Acts which authored the deputy Artur Davtyan was debated in the first reading at April 7 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs.

The author, presenting the motive of making amendments, noted that all those cases which are in other courts or in the Enforcement Service are the subject to termination after the adoption of the law on Bankruptcy. They should be examined in the bankruptcy proceedings.

The NA Deputy Nazeli Baghdasaryan proposed to vote for the legislative package in her co-report.

The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Vahe Danielyan, presenting the Government’s opinion, noted that the cases of termination of foreclosures ensuring the suit remain open with the proposed regulations which cannot be considered justified.

The key rapporteur accepted the Government’s proposal, and the legislative package was put for voting with the revised version, being endorsed.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...