French Parliamentarians are in French University
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On April 25, within the framework of the official visit, the delegation led by the President of the Senate of France Gérard Larcher accompanied by the President of the RA National Assembly visited the French University in Armenia.

The meeting with the professors and lecturers and the students was held in a warm atmosphere. Gérard Larcher got acquainted with the peculiarities of the educational process organization and the applying methodology. The students addressed their questions to the President of the Senate, touched upon the grave consequences of the Artsakh last war. Numerous students of the University took part in the 44-day war. 11 of them died taking the path of eternity and immortality. Candle lighting took place in memory of the deceased brave sons.

At the end of the meeting the President of the Senate of France wished peace to our country, underlining that France would do its best in assisting to return the Armenian prisoners of war and in just solution of Artsakh problem. He highlighted the restoration of the process for peaceful negotiations.

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