Speech by RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan at the Meeting of Heads of Parliaments Parliamentarians’ Role in Strengthening of International Peace and Trust
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Dear Mrs Mamedova,

Dear colleagues, Participants of the meeting.

On behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia I welcome all the participants of the meeting and I express my gratitude for the invitation to take part in this event.

At the beginning of my speech I would like to underline the importance of the first sitting of the People’s Council (Khalk Gengesh) of the first convocation of the National Assembly (Mili Gengesh) of Turkmenistan held on April 14 of this year.

With this significant event the process of the constitutional reforms ended, which was initiated still in 2019, and on that occasion let me congratulate all of you and wish new achievements, peace and prosperity.

Dear colleagues,

As all of you know, on the initiative of Turkmenistan the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution, declaring the year 2021 an International Year of Peace and Trust, and 73 countries of the world, including the Republic of Armenia are co-authors. This event, undoubtedly testifies to the support of the world community, the peaceful and neutral foreign policy of Turkmenistan, which implemented for ensuring universal peace, security and sustainable development.

Last year the 25th anniversary of the recognition of the permanent neutral status by the UN was marked in Turkmenistan, which is the basis of the inner and foreign policy of the country. By declaration of neutrality Turkmenistan entered into a new phase of its history, and its goal was to develop the inter-state relations by the principles of the neighbourhood, equality and respect for mutual interests with all states of the world. The permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan is an effective tool of the establishment of peaceful cooperation which promotes the ensuring of stability and security.

In the rapidly changing world the international cooperation, which is based on trust, is the most important effective means of the solution of the problems facing the world community.

The parliamentarians, as representatives elected by their peoples, have the most important functions contributing to the strengthening of international peace and trust processes, which, of course, are based on the problem of ensuring inclusive and constructive dialogue. And the legislators can play an important role in the organization of such a dialogue, which is directed to the creation of secure, reliable, sustainable and peaceful community.

The activation of the inter-parliamentary dialogue can be a firm basis for strengthening of trust, boosting the gradual potential growth of the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation between the countries.

At the same time, colleagues, last year all of us witnessed such actions and policy, which contradict the peace loving aspirations of the peoples of our countries. Despite the appeal of the UN Secretary General and the world humanitarian crisis, at the end of September of 2020 Azerbaijan with the full and evident support of Turkey, and the involvement of the mercenaries of different terrorist organizations, unleashed large scale military aggression against Nagorno Karabakh.

During the whole period of war, the armed forces of Azerbaijan were shooting targeting the civilians and infrastructures of vital importance, desecrate and destroy the Armenian historical, cultural, and religious heritage being on the territory of Nagorno Karabakh, including the cathedrals, churches and other religious and historical monuments, as the statues to Armenian marshals and generals, who fought during the Great Patriotic War and crushed the Nazism and fascism. Ammunition containing elements of chemical weapon was used against civilians.

Until nowadays, Azerbaijan grossly violates the reached agreements and continues illegally keeping in detention hundreds of Armenian prisoners of war and civilians. There are indisputable and confirmed facts how numerous captives were tortured, mutilated and even killed. These crimes were shot and spread on social networks and widely approved among the Azerbaijani society.

And lately, the opening of the so called ‘park’ dedicated to the Nagorno Karabakh war in Baku is the vivid evidence of xenophobic and inter-ethnic hatred.

The elimination of only Azerbaijani aggression consequences and the decision of the Nagorno Karabakh status based on the people’s self-determination law can create conditions in the region for peace and stability.

Dear colleagues,

Once again I would like to thank the Turkmen side for organizing this meeting, which is an effective platform for the discussion of the new opportunities of further cooperation, as well as exchange of viewpoints and experience.

I hope that the constructive and fruitful discussion will serve for the development of the multi-lateral inter-parliamentary ties in all most important directions, as well as the enhancement of friendship, trust and mutual understanding between our countries.

I wish all of us success and fruitful work.

Thank you for your attention.

Dear colleagues, Participants of the meeting.

On behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia I welcome all the participants of the meeting and I express my gratitude for the invitation to take part in this event.

At the beginning of my speech I would like to underline the importance of the first sitting of the People’s Council (Khalk Gengesh) of the first convocation of the National Assembly (Mili Gengesh) of Turkmenistan held on April 14 of this year.

With this significant event the process of the constitutional reforms ended, which was initiated still in 2019, and on that occasion let me congratulate all of you and wish new achievements, peace and prosperity.

Dear colleagues,

As all of you know, on the initiative of Turkmenistan the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution, declaring the year 2021 an International Year of Peace and Trust, and 73 countries of the world, including the Republic of Armenia are co-authors. This event, undoubtedly testifies to the support of the world community, the peaceful and neutral foreign policy of Turkmenistan, which implemented for ensuring universal peace, security and sustainable development.

Last year the 25th anniversary of the recognition of the permanent neutral status by the UN was marked in Turkmenistan, which is the basis of the inner and foreign policy of the country. By declaration of neutrality Turkmenistan entered into a new phase of its history, and its goal was to develop the inter-state relations by the principles of the neighbourhood, equality and respect for mutual interests with all states of the world. The permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan is an effective tool of the establishment of peaceful cooperation which promotes the ensuring of stability and security.

In the rapidly changing world the international cooperation, which is based on trust, is the most important effective means of the solution of the problems facing the world community.

The parliamentarians, as representatives elected by their peoples, have the most important functions contributing to the strengthening of international peace and trust processes, which, of course, are based on the problem of ensuring inclusive and constructive dialogue. And the legislators can play an important role in the organization of such a dialogue, which is directed to the creation of secure, reliable, sustainable and peaceful community.

The activation of the inter-parliamentary dialogue can be a firm basis for strengthening of trust, boosting the gradual potential growth of the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation between the countries.

At the same time, colleagues, last year all of us witnessed such actions and policy, which contradict the peace loving aspirations of the peoples of our countries. Despite the appeal of the UN Secretary General and the world humanitarian crisis, at the end of September of 2020 Azerbaijan with the full and evident support of Turkey, and the involvement of the mercenaries of different terrorist organizations, unleashed large scale military aggression against Nagorno Karabakh.

During the whole period of war, the armed forces of Azerbaijan were shooting targeting the civilians and infrastructures of vital importance, desecrate and destroy the Armenian historical, cultural, and religious heritage being on the territory of Nagorno Karabakh, including the cathedrals, churches and other religious and historical monuments, as the statues to Armenian marshals and generals, who fought during the Great Patriotic War and crushed the Nazism and fascism. Ammunition containing elements of chemical weapon was used against civilians.

Until nowadays, Azerbaijan grossly violates the reached agreements and continues illegally keeping in detention hundreds of Armenian prisoners of war and civilians. There are indisputable and confirmed facts how numerous captives were tortured, mutilated and even killed. These crimes were shot and spread on social networks and widely approved among the Azerbaijani society.

And lately, the opening of the so called ‘park’ dedicated to the Nagorno Karabakh war in Baku is the vivid evidence of xenophobic and inter-ethnic hatred.

The elimination of only Azerbaijani aggression consequences and the decision of the Nagorno Karabakh status based on the people’s self-determination law can create conditions in the region for peace and stability.

Dear colleagues,

Once again I would like to thank the Turkmen side for organizing this meeting, which is an effective platform for the discussion of the new opportunities of further cooperation, as well as exchange of viewpoints and experience.

I hope that the constructive and fruitful discussion will serve for the development of the multi-lateral inter-parliamentary ties in all most important directions, as well as the enhancement of friendship, trust and mutual understanding between our countries.

I wish all of us success and fruitful work.

Thank you for your attention.

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