Amendments to Law on State Registration of Rights to Property
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The RA NA deputy Arusyak Julhakyan and the former deputy Suren Grigoryan authored the draft law on Designing Amendments to the RA Law on State Registration of Rights to the Property.

The issue was debated in the first reading at April 29 regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs.

The key rapporteur Arusyak Julhakyan informed that the initiative was discussed with the representatives of the Cadastre Committee and proposals were presented for the solution of the existing problems in the procedures.

As a result of the amendments, state registration of rights arising from the contract can be declared invalid by the body implementing state registration of rights.

The co-rapporteur, the deputy Artur Davtyan, considering the initiative necessary, presented his reservations, related to the handover of the notice.

The representative of the Government, the Deputy Head of the Cadastre Committee Narine Avagyan, positively assessing the initiative, has noted that it will be useful for more clarifying the administration in the field and for solving the raised issues quickly and efficiently.

The initiative was approved by the committee.

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