National Assembly Convenes Regular Sittings
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On May 4, the National Assembly convened the regular sittings.

The Parliament confirmed the draft law of the NA decision on Making Addenda to the agenda of the sixth session of the seventh convocation of the National Assembly presented by Ararat Mirzoyan.

The items that were not endorsed by the NA Standing Committee were presented for debate which were not included in the agenda of the session by the decision of the parliament. The items were on Making Amendment and Addenda to the RA Law on Military Service and Serviceman’s Status authored by the NA Bright Armenia Factio n, on Making Addendum to the RA Criminal Code authored by the NA deputy Gevorg Petrosyan, the draft laws on Making Amendment to the RA Civil Code authored by Nikolay Baghdasaryan, Tsovinar Vardanyan, Viktor Yengibaryan, Hayk Gevorgyan, Sergey Movsisyan, Gevorg Papoyan, Hayk Sargsyan, Hovik Aghazaryan, Hripsime Grigoryan, Sergey Atomyan, as well as the legislative package on Making Addendum to the Law on Remuneration of Persons Holding Public Positions and Public Service Positions authored by the NA deputy Tigran Urikhanyan.

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Government Proposes Amendment and Addenda to RA Administrative Procedure Code
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Parliament Debates a Number of Initiatives in Second Reading
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It is Proposed to Return Sums Being Compensated by VAT According to Results of Every Financial Month
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Pupils and Teachers of High School N29 are in NA
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Legislative Package the RA Criminal Code Debated
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Pupils and Teachers of Armavir Marz Visit Parliament
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Amendments Clarify Defendant’s Types of Arrest Who is Free and Who Violated Conditions of Measure of Restraint
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NA Deputies’ Speeches During Debate of Draft Law on Granting Pardon Towards Persons Evading Military Service
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Report of Inquiry Committee for Examining the Circumstances of the Military Activities of April 2016 to be Discussed at NA Closed Sitting
On May 4, the National Assembly convened the regular sittings.The Speaker of Parliament Ararat Mirzoyan noted that, pursuant to Article 53 of the Constitutional Law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, at least one-fifth of the NA deputies’ total number proposed in official written form ...

It is Envisaged to Grant Pardon to Persons Who Evaded Regular Conscription of Complusory Military or Alternative Service
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Deputies Condemn Distortions of Architecture of Shushi Ghazanchetsots Church
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