The Press Conference of Shavarsh Kocharyan, Member of Justice Faction

In the press conference of October 20, Shavarsh Kocharyan, member of Justice faction, turned to the dangers threatening the economic development of Armenia. He informed that 650mln USD was given for the military expenses of Azerbaijan are the 68% of our budget. According to Mr. Kocharyan, the pushing of the oil to Baku-Geyhan oil-pipe by the ground of the Caspian Sea, supposes sharply increase of the budget and military expenses of Azerbaijan. Shavarsh Kocharyan pointed out as a danger for stability of the country the martial applications of the politicians of Azerbaijan, emigration from the country, the assistance of Turkey to the Azerbaijani authorities: 170mln USD Turkey has given to the defense of Azerbaijan, assist to the military officers’ training. In the opinion of the NA deputy, the integration to Europe is one of the guarantees of the Republic of Armenia. It was noted that the condition of fair elections was ignored only in Armenia and Azerbaijan from the European 46 countries. According to Mr. Kocharyan’s definition, only the steps leading to democracy will make us member of the European family. It was noted that the development of economy of the country is a guarantee of the army strengthening and of the military expenses. By Shavarsh Kocharyan’s estimation, for development of the economy it is necessary to have conditions of fair competition, fair juridical system, deepening of democracy, and refusal from the autonomous new technologies. There aren’t factual preconditions for the development of new technologies. Mr. Kocharyan disagreed that the draft law of the constitutional amendments put on the referendum is a step forward from the acting version, but according to him, we are in the field of half-steps: the challenges facing the country don’t let us make changes, which can’t be complete, and keep the authority of autonomous levers. The riggings of the results of the referendum, as Shavarsh Kocharyan assured, is dangerous: it also will stimulate the results of the rigging of the parliamentary elections. In the MP’s opinion, the failure of the referendum has its positive sides: transparent, open discussions will be held, not only the opposition and the power will take part in the dialogue, but the civil society, steps will be taken to raise the people’s confidence towards the electoral institutions and so forth. “We are endangered and can’t solve the available issues with half steps: we need complete steps,” concluded Mr. Kocharyan.

“In the meeting of Justice faction Vazgen Manukyan and you have voted against the adoption of the document of the constitutional amendments. Will you say “yes” or “no” to the draft law,” was interested the journalist of “Liberty” radio station. Shavarsh Kocharyan answered that they won’t say “yes,” because the draft law is incomplete, they won’t have campaign to say “no,” because comparing with the acting law it’s a step forward.

Mr. Kocharyan also answered other questions.