Edmon Marukyan Speaks About Forthcoming Elections during Parliamentary Elections
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At May 10 parliamentary briefings, the Head of the NA Bright Armenia Faction Edmon Marukyan touched upon the further procedure of the election campaign and the issue regarding different analyses on it. “You that propose the third way, don’t you fear that you will be out of fight,” the journalist voiced such question.

According to the MP, every day different analyses are made for money, they say that two forces fight. “They do this that the people will say that you don’t have alternative,” Marukyan said.

As the Head of the Faction said, the people had given him one mandate in 2012. According to Marukyan’s assessment, during five years as a result of serving well to the people, the number of the mandates has increased, becoming 3 in the framework of the Yelk (Way Out) alliance. Afterwards, in the last elections the political force received 7 mandates, but as a result of bonus system, that force came to parliament with 18 mandates. According to the speaker, as a result of their work during these elections, their passed path and matter of principle the people should reassess them.