Museum of Third Republic Parliament: Symbol of Biggest Reserve of Roman Empire
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There are unique items with exceptional history in the NA Museum. Among them is Baalbek souvenir, which the delegation led by the President of the National Assembly of Lebanon Nabih Berri handed over to the RA NA President.

Baalbek means ‘Bekaa baal – owner’ That name bears the city Baalbek being in the east from the River Litani on Bekaa plain of Lebanon. In the years of the Roman Empire the city was well-known as a biggest reserve.

The ruins of the best preserved Roman buildings of Lebanon have been the famous temples of Baalbek in time dedicated to Jupiter, Mercury, Bacchus and Venus cults. As a consequence of wars and earthquakes the temple was destroyed. Today, only six pillars out of eight ones are standing. Before, Baalbek being considered one of the most sanctuaries of the world is registered in the UNESCO World Heritage Centre list.