Positive Amendment for Entities
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On May 25, the National Assembly debated in the second reading and completely passing the draft law on Amending the RA Tax Code and on Making Addendum to the RA Law on Amending the law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the LA-266-N on Making Amendments and Addenda to RA Tax Code of 21 December 2017 authored by the Government.

According to the key rapporteur, the RA Deputy Minister of Finance Arman Poghosyan, the subject of regulation relates to the extension of the privileged period for applying 5% or 2% rate of the reduced profit tax for the companies being included in the group of the organizations implementing export programmes approved by the Government: As a result of negotiations with the colleagues of the EU member countries, Armenia got the right to work for eight more years in the privileged environment.”

The initiative proposed to extend the privileged period limited by the law passed in June 2018, setting it until 31 December 2029.

The MPs did not submit any proposal from the first to the second reading. The Government submitted a proposal of only editorial character on the basis of which the initiative was revised.

Hayk Gevorgyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing (Head) Committee on Economic Affairs.

Museum of Third Republic Parliament: Collection of NA Museum Without Passport
The name of the village Gzhel situated in the south-east of Moscow was also spread on the special ceramics producing there.The white china with blue pattern representing the Russian popular culture is well known not only in Russia, but also in the whole world. The product is unique, as the mast...

Statement by NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan on Nomination of Candidates for the Judge of Civil and Administrative Chamber of Court of Cassation
Pursuant to Article 166.3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 143.2 of the Constitutional Law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the Supreme Judicial Council nominated the candidacies of Hovsep Bedevyan, Hrach Ayvazyan and Liana Hakobyan for the judge’s vacancy i...

A Number of Legislative Initiatives Debated in Second Reading
A number of legislative initiatives were debated in the second reading. At May 25 sitting, the MPs debated in the second reading the package of bills on Making Addendum to the RA Civil Code and on Making Addenda to the Law on State Border authored by the NA deputies Artur Davtyan and Anna Karapetyan...

Paintings of Karvachar Mush Gallery Shown in National Assembly
On May 25, the exhibition of the landscapes moved from Zuar Village Gallery of Karvachar Region of the Artsakh Republic was held in the RA National Assembly.In his opening speech the NA Vice President Alen Simonyan noted during his first speech in the parliament he said that the doors of the Nationa...

Pupils Get Acquainted with Works of National Assembly
On May 25, a group of pupils and teachers from Chambarak community of Gegharkunik marz were the guests of the National Assembly in the framework of the NA Open Lesson programme. The NA deputies of My Step Faction Hayk Sargsyan and Koryun Mkrtchyan met and talked with them. ...

Open and Public Registry of Real Beneficiaries of Legal Entities to be Introduced
On May 25, the National Assembly debated in the first reading the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on State Registration of Legal Entities, Separated Divisions of Legal Entities, Enterprises and Individual Entrepreneurs with the enclosed package. The RA Minister of Justice Rusta...

Issue on Electing Member for RA Public Services Regulatory Commission Debated
At May 25 regular sitting, the Parliament debated the issue on electing a member for the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission. The member of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Tsovinar Vardanyan informed that the NA My Step Faction nominated Sergey Aghinyan to be elected to that posit...

Issue of Election for Member of State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition Debated
At May 25 sitting, the parliament debated the issue of the election for the member of the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition. The NA My Step Faction nominated Shushan Sargsyan’s candidacy in that position.The member of the NA My Step Faction Artak Manukyan presented the vcan...

Application of Organic Technologies in the Sphere of Agriculture Activity to Be Encouraged
At May 25 sitting, the parliament debated in the second reading the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Tax Code, and the subject of its regulation is the improvement of the tax environment of the agricultural and the consumer’s cooperatives. According to the RA Deputy Minister of F...

Citizens to Be Able to Upgrade Their Cars in More Civilized Conditions
On May 25, the RA National Assembly debated in the first reading the draft law on Making Addenda to the RA Tax Code with the enclosed package. The RA Deputy Minister of Finance Arman Poghosyan has informed that the aim of the draft is to create the necessary tax environment for the investment of the...

Scope of Services Included in Social Packages to be Expanded
On May 25, the National Assembly debated in the first reading the draft law on Amending the RA Law on  Remuneration of Persons Holding State Position s and State Service Positions authored by the Government. You can get ...

Parliament Convenes Regular Sittings
On May 25, the parliament began the work of the regular sittings.The NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan presented the draft agenda of the sixth session of the RA NA seventh convocation.The NA Speaker informed that the Standing (Head) Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agricultur...