Paintings of Karvachar Mush Gallery Shown in National Assembly
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On May 25, the exhibition of the landscapes moved from Zuar Village Gallery of Karvachar Region of the Artsakh Republic was held in the RA National Assembly.

In his opening speech the NA Vice President Alen Simonyan noted during his first speech in the parliament he said that the doors of the National Assembly should be open for people and for art. The NA Deputy Speaker Alen Simonyan underlined that the idea of today’s exhibition organization was born as a result of random meeting: “I am glad that the initiative succeeded. We should more frequently organize such exhibition.”

As the President of the Painter’s Union of Armenia Suren Safaryan has informed, the exhibition is the small part of Mushegh Adamyan’s works. He is hopeful that along with the shown works new works will also be born.

The idea of opening a gallery was accidentally born by Mr and Mrs Adamyans. The spouses having their holidays in Karvachar, being in love with the nature there, decided to found a gallery. Mush was opened in 2010, and more than 200 works of different painters of Armenian origin were shown. After the war of 2020, Mushegh Admayan succeeded to save the paintings and move them to Yerevan.