Executive Body Proposes to Regulate State or Community Land Plots and State Property Management Process
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At June 3 NA extraordinary sitting, the package of the draft laws on Amending the Land Code, on Making Addenda to the Law on State Property Management, on Making Addendum to the Law on Property Alienation for Provision of the Eminent Domain authored by the Government and introduced by the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Suren Grigoryan, was debated.

The Deputy Minister has specified that the initiative relates to the direct sale of the state or community property. It does not relate to the physical and legal entities’ property.

The deputy Artur Davtyan voiced the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs.

Extraordinary Sitting of NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs Held
On June 3, the extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs moderated by Narek Zeynalyan was held.As the Acting Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan presented, the draft law on Medical Aid and Service of Population was debated in the second reading. It was note...

Parliament Debates a Number of Legislative Initiatives in Second Reading
At the extraordinary sitting convened on June 3, the National Assembly debated in the second reading the package of draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic (Psychoactive) Substances and the enclosed ones. According to the Deputy Minister of Economy T...

Parliament Protocol Museum: Facsimile of the Armenian Alphabet Being Kept in the Library of Germany
During the official visit of the delegation led by the RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan the President of the German Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble gave the exact copy of the Armenian Alphabet 1703 as a present to the NA Protocol Museum. It authored the spiritual leader of Saint Nicholas Church of Berli...

NA Extraordinary Sitting to Be Convened
Taking as a basis the initiative of the deputies of the National Assembly on convening extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly and the NACD-039-L of 3 June 2021 of the National Assembly Council, being led by Article 100 of the Constitution and Article 41 of the Constitutional Law the Rules of...

Persons Died Because of COVID-19 to be Autopsied From Now On
At June 3 extraordinary sitting, the National Assembly debated in the first reading the draft law on Amending the law on Medical Aid and Service of Population, which presented the RA Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan. The draft law proposes to remove the demand of not carrying out pathological-ana...

RA NA Budget Office and Financial Document Execution for 2020
The NA Budget Office has done huge work on state budget execution for 2020. They have worked in the hard situations for the country, at the beginning – COVID, then – war. The expenditures of the state budget for 2020 were 1 trillion 895 bln AMD, the incomes – 1 trillion 561 bln, AMD and the deficit ...

NA Council Extraordinary Sitting
On June 3, the extraordinary sitting of the NA Council moderated by Ararat Mirzoyan. The Council gave consent on convening an extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly by the agenda established by the initiator immediately after the end of the extraordinary sitting convened on June 3. ...

Possibilities of Making Use of Reproductive Auxiliary Technologies Expanded
On June 3, the goal of the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Human Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights debated in parliament in the first reading is to regulate the relations referring to medical aid and service by using the reproductive auxiliary technologies, expand ...

Amendment and Addenda to Law on State Property Privatization Program for 2017-2020
At the NA extraordinary sitting convened on June 3, the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum to the Law on State Property Privatization Program for 2017-2020 was debated in the first reading. The key rapporteur, the Deputy Minister of Health Gevorg Simonyan, presenting the proposed amendment, ...

It is Proposed to Regulate Organization of Fireworks
At June 3 extraordinary sitting, the Parliament debated in the first reading the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on State Regulation of Ensuring Technical Security with the enclosed package. The RA Deputy Minister of Economy Avag Avanesyan has informed that it is proposed to re...

Pupils and Teachers of Armen Hovhannisyan School Are Guests of Parliament
On June 3, the pupils and the teachers of Yerevan Armen Hovhannisyan 194 School visited the parliament. After observing the works of the National Assembly extraordinary sitting the deputies of My Step Faction met with them.The guests were interested in the inner-political tension in the country and ...

Amendments to Law on Energy Saving and Renewable Energy
At the NA extraordinary sitting convened on June 3, the package of draft laws on Amending the Law on Energy Saving and Renewable Energy and on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Energy authored by the Government and the NA deputy Artashes Petrosyan were debated in the first reading. The RA ...

Amendments Stemming from RA Assumed Obligations by International Treaties in Tax Code
The parliament debated in the first reading the draft law on Making Addendum to the RA Tax Code authored by the Government.According to the Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee Artur Manukyan, the adoption of the initiative is conditioned by the necessity of the fulfillment of the RA a...

Predictable Tax Environment for Builders
At June 3 NA extraordinary sitting, the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Tax Code was debated in the first reading. As the Deputy Minister of Finance Arman Poghosyan has informed, the goal is the formation of the tax environment predictable and possibly free from indefinite situa...

Parliament Convenes Extraordinary Sitting
Pursuant to Article 100 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 41 of the Constitutional Law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, at the initiative of the Government on June 3, the parliament convened an extraordinary sitting.The Deputy Minister of Economy Tigran Gabri...

Draft Laws Endorsed by Committee
On June 3, the extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs moderated by Vladimir Vardanyan was held.As the RA Acting Justice Minister Rustam Badasyan presented, the draft law on Legal Entities’ State Registration, State Accounting of Legal Entities’ Separated Sub-un...