Speech by RA NA President’s Candidate Alen Simonyan
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Dear compatriots, dear colleagues,

I thank Civil Contract Party for nominating me as a candidate for the post of the National Assembly President. Before turning to the core speech I would like to thank all my colleagues of the National Assembly of the seventh convocation. I especially would like to mention my friend, colleague, the President of the National Assembly of the RA seventh convocation Ararat Mirzoyan, the Head of My Step Faction Lilit Makunts and the Secretary of the Faction Hakob Simidyan, all my teammates of the NA seventh convocation, with whom we passed inhuman difficult path. Now, I would like to say that I am proud of all of you, I am thankful that you remained firm and faithful to your principles, team and our country.

And now I would also like to especially thank on my and everybody’s behalf the proud, strong and wise people of the Republic of Armenia that in these hard times once again formed the National Assembly of the eighth convocation of the Republic of Armenia through free and transparent elections. The high quality of holding the elections documented that all international observation organizations, also in future the RA Constitutional Court approved their results. Thus, I would like to congratulate the Civil Contract Party, the Armenia Alliance which, unfortunately is absent, and I Have Honor Alliance on the occasion of passing into the parliament. The Republic of Armenia is a parliamentary country, and the National Assembly is the Armenian people’s representation body, and we have numerous things to do together.

We will work in the most difficult time for Armenia and the whole Armenians, which supposes higher responsibility, than ever. We should record that we have numerous disagreements and discords in the inner political relations of Armenia, but we also should undoubtedly reapprove that we don’t have enemies and we cannot have.

The National Assembly, being on the frontline of political processes, is one of the most important criteria in all aspects. It appeared to be that from legal toolset and functions of the independent National Assembly, first of all, people connect just with us, with our words; this number one political tribune, and we have no right to disappoint them. Thus, the animosity, hatred, insult should be driven out of this building, and in general, our everyday life. On June 20, 2021 the citizens of the Republic of Armenia did not go to the electoral district, in order we’ll hate each other or spread word of hatred from this tribune. That is enough, the Armenian people passed a hard historical phase, and I ask and urge all of you that irrespective of results registered in today’s voting, we’ll get changed for the Republic of Armenia and for the sake of the Armenian people. We all know that one of the prior and most important problems is the security of our country, and we have aversion for speaking about that, but we often forget that every word said by us finds and will find response along our entire border.

Hence, while saying any word, making any political statement and beginning any process, first of all, we should observe from the aspect of our country’s security and permanently give preference to the constructive workstyle and steps raising the degree of unification.

Today, I myself get obliged to do my best and take steps in that direction with my own example. In case of being elected, as RA NA President, one of my prior problems will be to ensure the uninterrupted activity and efficiency of the National Assembly as the most important institute of the state. We have a lot of things to do in the sphere of foreign relations. It is not in vain that during the elections one of the most important words of the pre-electoral campaign of all parties was just that. In that respect the National Assembly is the best opportunity for all of us, and here also we have things to do. Due to these elections, now there are numerous experienced politicians in this hall among the power and the opposition, thus, the dictate is the one – to make serve our forces unitedly for ensuring the security of the country and serving for our united interests.

The next most important work is to ensure the legislative activity. The new situation and the rapidly developing world impose us workstyle of legislative fast and unmistakable solutions. And that is again and again possible in case of joint efforts and readiness.

Today, we have an opportunity of joint work. The launch of the National Assembly of the eighth convocation is a unique zero point, where all of us will lay down the basis of the formation of our workstyle and the logic of future works. There is nothing impossible for us, we shall have only political will and conscience that we are building the future of our country now.

I assure you that as being founder member of the Civil Contract Party, as well as the member of the party board will not impede in case of radical different approaches to organize the inner-parliamentary works and cooperation with our opposition factions, as the awareness of the universal interests of the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian people is of priority, and the awareness of a new beginning is big.

In case of being elected NA President I am ready and open to discuss with all of you any issue for the benefit of our state and people. In the organization of the joint work in the National Assembly I have the need of everybody’s support and advice. I am sure that regardless of all discords, different approaches all of us live in their heart and mind with Armenians, Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora. Thus, let us work, because future is there, there is future in Armenia and in Artsakh.

Let God keep and help us and the Armenian people.

Thank you.