Visit of Indian Delegation to Yazidis’ Spiritual Centre
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On August 17, the RA NA deputy Rustam Bakoyan visited Yazidis’ Aknalich Spiritual Centre in Armenia with the President of Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) of the Council of States of India, the Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, of India Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Republic of Armenia and to the Republic of Georgia Kishan Dan Dewal and the President of the Indo-Armenian Friendship NGO Rananjay Anand.

The guests laid flowers at the memorial of the Yazidi people’s genocide in 2014, as well as at the memorial stone eternalizing the genocide of the Armenians and the Yazidis in the Ottoman Empire in 1915. They went to the Yazidi temple, the Armenian-Yazidi Friendship Memorial Complex and got acquainted with heroes’ stories. They were presented the achievements of the Yazidi community in Armenia, the wide possibilities for preservation and development of the culture were discussed.

An agreement was reached also to raise the issue of the Yazidi people’s genocide in Parliament of India.