RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Debates Report on Activities of CEC
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At August 27 extraordinary sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs, the Chairman of the CEC Tigran Mukuchyan presented the report on the activities of the RA Central Electoral Commission (CEC).

The report has been compiled by relevant sections which include complete information related to the snap parliamentary elections held on June 20, 2021.

According to the Chairman of the CEC, the snap elections of June 20, 2021 had certain features, there were a number of functions. It was the first time that the elections had to be held under pandemic conditions.

According to Mukuchyan, conditioned by the made amendments, the extensive work was done, and violations of deadlines were not registered.

Pursuant to the report, during the snap parliamentary elections, 483 observers from 8 international and foreign organizations, as well as 8749 observers from 19 local non-governmental organizations, 745 representatives from 68 local mass media and 135 representatives from 50 foreign mass media carried out observation mission.

Tigran Mukuchyan answered to the committee members’ questions.

Pursuant to Article 100.3 of the Constitutional Law – the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the debate of the draft law on Amending the NA Decision on Creating the NA Standing Committees of the RA eighth convocation authored by the NA Armenia Faction was postponed for up to two months.