President of National Assembly Gives a Speech at Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments
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At the Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments the President of the RA National Assembly Alen Simonyan gave a speech titled Parliaments and global governance: The unfinished agenda. In his speech the NA Speaker noted that despite the restrictions due to pandemic, the RA National Assembly continued its regular activities.

Alen Simonyan stressed that despite the UN Secretary General’s plea to stop all conflicts during the pandemic and yet last year Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh had to withstand the most serious challenges caused by the military aggression.

Alen Simonyan drew the attendees’ attention to the fact that the international parliamentary organizations had turned into an important dimension of parliamentarians' involvement in international affairs.

Moreover, to ensure the global governance the support not only from states, but also from NGOs is necessary.

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