RA National Assembly Begins Debate of Issue of Electing Candidate for Court of Cassation Judge
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At September 14 regular sitting, the RA National Assembly debated the issue on the election of the candidate for the judge of the Court of Cassation. The Acting Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) Gagik Jhangiryan, presenting the candidates, noted that pursuant to Article 166.3 of the RA Constitution and Article 143.2 of the Constitutional Law – the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the Supreme Judicial Council nominated Hovsep Bedevyan, Hrach Ayvazyan and Liana Hakobyan as candidates for the vacant position of a judge of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation.

The speaker underlined that the SJC presented the candidates specialized in administrative proceedings. Then he presented Hrach Ayvazyan’s biography.

Gagik Jhangiryan answered to the opposition deputies’ questions, which were related to his previous and current work activities.

In his speech, the candidate for a judge of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation Hrach Ayvazyan congratulated all deputies of the National Assembly formed as a result of the snap elections of June 20, wishing a fruitful legislative activity. Referring to the judicial system, he emphasized the importance of the independent activity of a judge. It has been noted that it is necessary to revise the issue of an overload of the courts, to proportionally increase the number of judges. The improvement of the electronic toolkit in the system was highlighted. The speaker also touched upon the problems of the sphere and pointed out the ways for their solution.

The candidate answered to the deputies’ questions.

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