On International Day of Girl Child Students of Twenty-Four Hour Care Institutions are in Parliament
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On October 8, the National Assembly opened its hospitable doors before the girl students of Mari Izmirlian and Gavar twenty-four-hour care institutions. The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan, deputies of the Civil Contract Lilit Stepanyan, Zaruhi Batoyan, Mariam Poghosyan and the deputy for Armenia Faction Yelena Kirakosyan met with them.

Welcoming the students Heriknaz Tigranyan wished them successes, urging them to go with confident steps to the implementation of the goals.

During the warm talk lasted for about two hours around the tea table the deputies answered to the guests’ questions, which related to the organization of teaching subjects in the senior school, getting education in secondary professional and higher educational institutions and tuition fees.

According to the representatives of the twenty-four-hour care institutions, among the priority problems of the sphere the challenges of the residence of the students who have become adults, as well as their self-realisation in different spheres of public life. As the employees have observed, there are still main problems, and it is necessary to make systemized changes for their overcoming.

Heriknaz Tigranyan noted that the meeting was organized ahead of October 11. This day the world marks the International Day of Girl Child. Highlighting such meetings, she has noted that this one more step for encouraging the girls, which will help them to be free in their contacts.

Many of the attendees had a picture about the legislative body from the TV screen and with great inspiration accepted the invitation to visit parliament. During their cognitive visit they got acquainted with the history of the legislative body in the museum and the multi-genre literature presented in the library. The students watched the photo exhibition with the heading ‘Road to Democracy,’ where the historical path passed by Armenia during the last three decades was summed up.

The guests of parliament bid farewell with bright impressions to the deputies, also receiving gifts from them.