Working Discussion on Specialists’ Migration
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On October 15, at the initiative of the NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan online discussion on the theme The Migration Policy of Talent in Armenia was held.

The Chair of the Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan and a number of deputies, the Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, the Minister of Hi-Tech Industry Vahagn Khachaturyan, the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan, the Head of the Migration Service of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Ghazaryan, the representatives of the leadership of the Passport and Visa Department of Police took part in the discussion.

Welcoming the participants, Hakob Arshakyan has underlined that during the online meeting it will be possible to discuss all the problems that the foreign citizens, specialists, repatriates come across moving to Armenia.

The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan has spoken about the obstacles emerging in the process of involving companies and specialists with high international knowledge and experience, as well as the low productivity of the persons engaged in the labor market of Armenia and has noted that that fact has an impact on the development of economy.

The RA Minister of Hi-Tech Industry Vahagn Khachaturyan touched upon the need of professional specialists in high technologies – cyber security, artificial intelligence, digitalization and the lack of systemized knowledge.

The High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan emphasized facilitation of legal and working processes emerging during the repatriation. Sinanyan spoke about the challenges being integrated to the social-economic life of the repatriated and their overcoming. The importance of the adoption of the law on repatriation was also noted.

The Head of the Migration Service of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Ghazaryan presented the works being done on facilitation of the right to living and working on simplification of the procedures, the development of the legislative system and working out the package of the Government decisions.

The rapporteurs have affirmed that there is need of qualified specialists almost in all directions of economy and it is necessary to simplify and facilitate the existing processes. They also answered to the MPs’ questions.

The participants introduced their approaches and proposals on the theme. The systemized implementation of the work being implemented by legislative and executive bodies in providing the migration was considered of priority.

Summing up the discussion, Hakob Arshakyan has noted that there is need of qualified specialists in all directions of economy and in this aspect, potential existing in the Diaspora is also not completely used. An agreement was reached to wind up the work done in the legislative field, to assess the results and plan the further steps to be undertaken by the RA NA-Government.

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