The Coalition Statement

Dear compatriots

On November 27 by holding referendum of constitutional amendments our country and society entered a qualitative new stage of development, which creates great opportunities for the fulfillment of radical democratic reforms in compliance with European standards. Their results gradually will be significant for citizens.

The referendum took place, as it’s obvious that the results of November 27 voting, in general, comply with the people’s moods and express their will.

Unfortunately, some political forces from the beginning tried to belittle the significance if the constitutional reforms and misinterpret the logic of that process. From the first day an aim was put to turn from substantial discussion and objective dispute to power-opposition political confrontation, make heated the situation and sow suspicion towards the positive outcome of the referendum.

Refusal from joint work in the draft constitutional reforms and immediate discussions, during the campaign different distortions of the very content and biased misreading, refusal from the participation of the works of the electoral commissions by the non-understandable logic of boycott and the obligation of control of voting process, biased estimating in different stages of the process, the calls sounding during last days make obvious the aim of coming to power by any price.

The estimations connected with the campaign process, holding the referendum can be trustworthy, if they exclusively rely on documents, relevant structures and conclusions through mechanisms. The conclusions of such unbiased and authoritative structures, in particular, the united Observation Mission of the Council of Europe, that the referendum took place, in general complies with in the international standards and the registered violations can’t have an impact on the results.

Nevertheless, considering unacceptable any revelation casting a shadow such arrangement of state importance, we are convinced that necessary examination shall be made on the indicated riggings and abuses, relevant conclusions will be made and those guilty will be punished.

Dear compatriots,

We call on not to fall under the attempts of harming the stability of the country and international authority. We shall respect all the viewpoints expressed by our citizens, at least, differing from each other during the referendum and condemn any attempt, which can lead to the rise and confrontation of the camps of accepting and not accepting the results of the referendum in the society and the supporters and opponents.

Republican Party of Armenia

Country of Law Party

ARF Dashnaksutiun