Ambassador of Finland to RA Hosted in National Assembly
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On November 1, the deputy of the RA NA With Honor Faction, the Head of the NA Armenia-Finland Friendship Group Anna Mkrtchyan met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of Armenia Kirsti Narinen (Residence: Helsinki). The Honorary Consul of Finland to our country Timothy David Straight also attended the meeting.

Welcoming the Ambassador, Anna Mkrtchyan highlighted the development of the Armenian-Finnish Mutually beneficial cooperation and the parliamentary ties.

The MP thanked the Friendship Group of Parliament of Finland for commemorating the memory of the victims because of 1915-1917 Ottoman massacres and their family members because of forcible deportations and for making a statement in 2021 to give strength to the Armenians. According to Anna Mkrtchyan, that is an important step in the adoption of the Armenian Genocide by Finland.

As the Ambassador has assessed, the bilateral parliamentary ties are not active, and similar meetings promote their enlivening. Kirsti Narinen has agreed that in a number of spheres there is unused potential, and the sides should take steps in that direction.

The development of the relations with Finland was also highlighted in terms of Armenia-EU cooperation.

The MP Talked about the inner-political and post-war situation, Anna Mkrtchyan has underlined that the most important agenda item continues remaining the return of Armenian prisoners of war and the captives to the Motherland, which is fixed by November 9 statement. The Armenian legislator expressed concern about the inhuman attitude towards the captives being kept in Azerbaijan and considered inadmissible the encroachments of the Azerbaijani armed forces towards the RA sovereign territory.

The activities of the opposition in parliament were touched upon, and the opportunities of the elimination of the obstacles for the regular work of the opposition in the legislative work were discussed.

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