Programmes Aimed at Strengthening Capacities of the Legislative Body Discussed
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The legislative body of the country effectively cooperates with the international partner organizations within the framework of the development of the institutional capacities of the National Assembly. On November 5, the cooperation programmes with parliament, expecting result indices, as well as the events to be carried out in the near future were discussed during the regular Parliamentary Assistance Partners’ Coordination Meeting.

Welcoming the guests, the NA Chief of Staff, Secretary General Vahan Naribekyan has highlighted the effective implementation of the cooperation programmes, which is necessary for the development of the Staff skills and the exchange of experience. According to Vahan Naribekyan, such joint programmes assist the improvement of legislative and analytical capacities of the RA NA Staff. He expressed readiness to support the effective cooperation to be continuous.

Biljana Ledenican, Chief Technical Adviser of the UNDP Modern Parliament for a Modern Armenia, positively assessed the already formed effective cooperation and emphasized their continuity provision.

The representatives from the offices of the international organizations functioning in Armenia touched upon in detail the content of the implemented programmes and ones designed in the near future: courses for the NA Standing Committees and the Staff, exchange programmes, seminars, events directed to the activity efficiency of the legislative body and the deputies.

The new opportunities of cooperation in a number of directions were discussed. The needs and the priorities of the NA Staff were referred to.

The guests expressed readiness to support for strengthening capacities of parliament and the implementation of the reforms in different formats.

Let us note the representatives from the International Republican Institute (IRI), the Electoral Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the National Democracy Institute (NDI), the Twinning Project financed by the EU, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Parliamentary Centre (Canada), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) took part in the Coordination Meeting.

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