Sargis Khandanyan: Azerbaijan Continues the Provocative Actions and Escalation of Aggression
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Dear Deputy Speaker, colleagues,

Months ago Armenia expressed its opinion about security in the region. The stance of Armenia has been also clear on de-blockading of the communication, and we have been quite constructive that Armenia follows all the provisions of November 9 and January 11 Agreements. The sovereign territory of Armenia has been invaded starting May 12. Armenia has offered concrete solution on the problem. Our stance has been well known to international partners, organizations that Armenia is part of. Apparently the neutral position of our international partners drove Azerbaijan to continue its provocations. Armenia has appealed to the CSTO orally followed by written appeals and we expect that our colleagues and the international community will respond to the aggression against Armenia and will take measures to prevent them to drive away the Azeri forces completely from the Armenian territory. The Azeri aggression violates all acceptable norms and international law and human rights, particularly in those villages, which are located along the border.

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