Vahagn Aleksanyan\'s Speech on Provocative Actions of Azerbaijan
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Dear colleagues,

I would like once again to touch upon the situation on the border. And the situation is that the Azerbaijani armed forces launched attacking Armenia, shelling the sovereign territory of Armenia. They started provocative actions. After the November 9 statement the political power of Armenia has adopted regional peace as a goal. The goal of Azerbaijan is clear from the announcements made by the Azerbaijani state politicians. They are making fake and unbiased announcements. I am sure that the international community, the CSTO partners have to make announcements, they must be substantial, saying that the war started Azerbaijan. The Security Secretary Artur Grigoryan has called on Russia to ensure the security on our border. And Armenia is waiting for response from Russia. The Republic of Armenia, the people of Armenia see how the Republic of Azerbaijan gets support. The Armenian people don’t think they were going to be alone. They have signed statements, agreements, and they have been faithful to the provisions of agreements. And I am stating once again that the Republic of Armenia and the people of Armenia are waiting for response.