NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan Receives Ambassador of China to Armenia
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On November 26, the RA NA Vice President, the Head of the NA Armenia-China Friendship Group Hakob Arshakyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Armenia Fan Yong.

The members of the Friendship Group Babken Tunyan, Lena Nazaryan and Gurgen Arsenyan attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guest, Hakob Arshakyan has recorded with satisfaction that there exists effective cooperation between the Embassy of China to Armenia and the RA National Assembly. In this matter the NA Vice President underlined the Ambassador’s unique role.

“The Armenian-Chinese relations continue developing, there are opportunities of expansion of mutual trust and mutual perception. Armenia is concerned about deepening the bilateral relations in different spheres – political, economic and humanitarian,” the Deputy Speaker of Parliament affirmed.

The Ambassador in his turn highly appreciated the level of political dialogue between Armenia and China. According to Fan Yong, we should activate the parliamentary cooperation, make frequent the mutual visits, as its number reduced due to the pandemic.

As a head of the Friendship Group Hakob Arshakyan especially highlighted the practical importance of this format in the activation of the contacts and the advancement of bilateral agenda between the legislators.

Lena Nazaryan touched upon the joint fight against coronavirus pandemic, and in this issue highlighted the support of China to our country.

In the context of the expansion of bilateral cooperation Gurgen Arsenyan spoke about the necessity of the implementation of the educational, cultural programmes and added that it would give opportunity to two peoples to get acquainted with the cultural values.

Emphasizing the boosting of the economic cooperation, Babken Tunyan opined that despite the pandemic, the dynamics of the development of relations was mainly preserved. The MP referred to the need of the increase of the goods turnover volumes.

The sides also paid special attention to promoting the collaboration in the sphere of tourism.

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