Improved School Management System is Designed to Introduce
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On December 16, the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on General Education was debated in the first reading at the extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport.

As the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan has informed, improved school management system is proposed to introduce: the school management will be divided into two main parts: educational and administrative-economic. It is also designed to pass into general inclusive general education in all marzes of the republic and in the city of Yerevan until 2023.

The Government intends to give 12-year education with new content, having another amendment, reviewing the standards, the education plan and programmes on the subjects. That aim is to boost the examinational way of thinking, the innovation, the analytical and creative skills, especially paying attention to the civil, financial and entrepreneurship education. It is designed to review the content and teaching approaches of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and foreign languages.

Zhanna Andreasyian proposed the MPs to hold the debate of the draft law in the second reading during the NA next regular sittings, as the Government intends to revise the teachers’ salary rates. The proposal was accepted.

The deputies of the NA Armenia Faction have proposed their colleagues to hold parliamentary hearings on the draft, as it needs additional debate and specification. To the opposition deputies’ assessment, in order to have the law viable, it shall be debated with all stakeholders. The Committee Chair, the co-rapporteur Sisak Gabrielyan has positively assessed the draft law, noting that it has been introduced to the public since June. The Committee Chair and the Deputy Minister expressed readiness to continue the debate of the amendments with the stakeholders, taking into consideration the proposals.

The draft law was endorsed by the Committee. Parliamentary hearings will also be organized

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