Adoption of Agreement to Strengthen Armenian-French Economic Ties
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At December 16 extraordinary sitting, the National Assembly debated the draft law on Ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the French Republic on Establishment and Activity of the French Development Agency and the Investment and Promotion Company for Economic Cooperation (PROPARCO) in Armenia which was signed on May 28, 2018 in Yerevan.

According to the RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, the Agreement gives an opportunity to open representations of the French Development Agency and the Investment and Promotion Company for Economic Cooperation. As the Minister has said, the above-mentioned two structures carry out activities in Armenia from 2013, and the ratification of the agreement can contribute to the expansion of the Armenia-French economic ties, the involvement of investments and the social-economic progress in Armenia, giving new opportunities for development.

Artsvik Minasyan gave a speech on behalf of the NA Armenia Faction. He highlighted the Agreement and the acts stemming from it, however he expressed hesitation related to the further development of economy.