Priority Directions of Industry Are at Core of Working Debate
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On December 27, initiated by the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan, the regular working debate was held. The priority directions of the industry announced by the Government were at the core of the working debate.

The meeting was still the logical continuation of the debate held on November 12, during which, the measures taken for promoting production and export were touched upon. An agreement was reached to refer to those issues in more detail at the next meeting.

The representatives of the state bodies, the RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, his Deputy Ministers, the Deputy Chairman of the SRC Artur Manukyan, the partner and the Head of the Management Advisory Services at the Ameria Group of Companies Tigran Jrbashyan, the representatives of the Export Armenia Association, as well as experts were invited in the debate.

The Government approved the five priority directions for the development of the industry - jewelry, diamond production, light and heavy industry, machine production and pharmacy. They have referred to the methodology, reasons and strategies of their selection by which the Government is aimed at attracting new investments in those spheres, creating jobs etc.

During the concerned debate, they referred to a number of other issues which were related to the increase of productivity and the prospects of the development of separate spheres. The decision-making process based on the analysis and the involvement of expert circles in it were highlighted.

The issues on the activities and opportunities in the abovementioned spheres were debated with the representatives of the Government and the experts.