Proposed Amendments and Addenda to Promote Development of Electronic Notification System
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On January 12, at the regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Tax Code authored by the Government was debated in the first reading.

According to the RA Chairman of the State Revenue Committee Rustam Badasyan, the necessity of the proposed legal act is to minimize the contact between the tax authority and the taxpayer, which will significantly reduce the term of administration of tax inspections and studies.

Within the framework of the draft, it is planned to expand the list of documents to be notified to taxpayers electronically. It has been noted that by developing the electronic notification system, the efficiency of tax administration increases, ensuring tax discipline.

It is also proposed to envisage provisions by Code, which will give an opportunity to deregister old generation cash registers.

The key rapporteur, answering to the deputies’ questions, referred to the steps aimed at the improvement of the electronic systems and to the definition of the procedure of a thematic study.

The Committee endorsed the draft law.