Amendments Proposed to Law on Advertising
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At January 12 sitting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, the initiative of the Government aimed at ensuring common policy in the field of gambling and establishing equal competition conditions and requirements was debated in the first reading.

According to the key rapporteur, the RA Minister of Finance Armen Hayrapetyan, advertising will be allowed only in 4-star and higher hotels, border checkpoints and in the front part of the buildings carrying out similar activities. Advertising will be banned in other places. As Armen Hayrapetyan has informed, there are such restrictions in many countries as Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Georgia etc.

The initiative has caused dissatisfaction in the field of advertising media. According to advertising agents, the most part of the revenue of advertising companies – 60%-70%, is generated due to the filed of online games and lotteries. However, according to the key rapporteur, it is 20%-25% by their calculations.

The initiative was endorsed.

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