NA Inquiry Committee Hears Explanations of Former Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
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On January 12, the Inquiry Committee for Studying the Use of Funds Collected by the "Hayastan" All - Armenian Fund and Transferred to the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia convened the 4th sitting, which was moderated by the Committee Chair Artsvik Minasyan. The purpose of the Inquiry Committee is to study the directions of spending the money collected by the fund and to find out whether they have been served to overcome the situation created during the 44-day war and the consequences after the war.

At the regular sitting, the Committee invited Zaruhi Batoyan, who was the RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs at that period. She held the post until November 20, 2020. During the mentioned period, the Ministry carried out mainly coordination works. Referrals for health services and humanitarian assistance programmes were implemented for about 90.000 people from Artsakh. With the help of the Ministry, the problems of their stay were also settled. The department took all measures by the financial support of the private sector and different charitable organizations: Zaruhi Batoyan underlined and added that there was no financial support from the "Hayastan" All - Armenian Fund for their implementation. Presenting the details, the former Minister has noted that the fund has supported since October. Financial means were allocated, in particular, for the purchase of ambulances and the solution of urgent health problems. The Ministry later covered the expenses for the organization of funerals and the acquisition of cemeteries by the financial support of the "Hayastan" All - Armenian Fund, as well as funds were provided to the beneficiary families within the framework of Host Families Programme.

The Committee members asked Zaruhi Batoyan questions related to the terms of the implementation of programmes and the distributions of expenses. According to Artsvik Minasyan’s proposal, the Committee members authorised Hovik Aghazaryan to study the data available in the Ministry related to the specific programmes and submit them to the Committee documented.

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