Deputies Observe One-Minute of Silence to Honour Memory of Servicemen Fallen as Result of Provocation of Azerbaijani Armed Forces in Vardenis Few Days Ago
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On January 17, the National Assembly began the work of the regular sittings, forming the agendas of the session and regular sittings. The issue on including the draft laws that were not endorsed in the NA Head Committees in the agenda of the session was debated. The draft law on Large Families authored by the NA Armenia Faction, as a result of debate, did not receive the support of parliament and was not included in the agenda of the session.

The NA draft statement on Issues of Demarcation and Delimitation authored by the NA Armenia Faction was not included in the agenda of the session too. The deputies observed a one-minute of silence to honour the memory of the servicemen fallen as a result of the provocation of the Azerbaijani armed forces in Vardenis a few days ago by Andranik Tevanyan’s proposal, the member of the faction.

Approving the agendas, the parliament began to debate the legislative initiatives.

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