Expert Group of Hellenic Parliament Arrives in RA NA Within the Framework of Twinning Project
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On January 25-27, the delegation comprised of experts of the Hellenic Parliament arrived in Yerevan to hold working meetings and seminars in the RA National Assembly within the framework of the EU Twinning Project “Strengthening of Capacity of the RA National Assembly to Further Support the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) Oversight and Implementation.”

The Chair of the Standing Committee on European Integration Arman Yeghoyan and the NA Chief of Staff, Secretary General Vahan Naribekyan met with the members of the delegation in the National Assembly.

The experts also had meetings with the heads of the departments of the NA Staff, discussed the possibilities of cooperation in the spheres of bilateral interest, exchange of experience, presented over 200-year parliamentary experience of Greece. The employees’ training problems, the mechanisms of the legislative procedures reforms, the parliament-government relationship in the EU member states, the order of holding parliamentary hearings and a number of issues were in the core of discussions.

The expert group also visited the RA Public Administration Academy as a structure implementing the public servants’ training, met with the Rector of the Academy Khachatur Ghazeyan, The Head for International Cooperation and Development Centre Tereza Khechoyan, the Head of the Additional, Continuing Education Artak Baghdasaryan and the Head of the Quality Assurance Centre Gayane Hovhannisyan and discussed the opportunities of the elaboration for joint projects.

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