Committee Debates Issue of Candidate Nominated for Vacant Position of CTR
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On February 22, pursuant to Article 145 of the Constitutional Law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport debated the issue of the candidate nominated for the vacant position of the member of the RA Commission on TV and Radio. The NA Armenia Faction nominated Angela Nalbandyan.

The member of the faction Hripsime Stambulyan presented his biographical data and the work path.

The candidate is a linguist-geologist by profession, non-Party. She worked in the Armenia TV Company, the PanArmenian Media Group NGO, the Radio Sputnik Armenia, she founded the Fortuna Tour agency etc. Angela Nalbandyan was a candidate for deputy on the list of the Armenia alliance in 2021.

In her speech, the candidate touched upon the content and the quality of the TV and radio companies, the reasons for dissatisfaction among the public related to them and ways to improve the TV and radio broadcasting.

“We should constantly study the international experience and the best examples that can be brought into line with the current legislation and the field of audiovisual media, introduce to our field, adapt to the environment and work in order to have quality standards, and be able to bring the current TV and radio to those quality standards,” the candidate said, answering the deputy Hakob Aslanyan’s question, how she imagines her work in that sphere.

The Committee members’ position was ambiguous.

The Committee voted against the candidacy Angela Nalbandyan.