NA Spring Session Began

On February 6 the opening of the seventh session of the National Assembly of the third convocation began with the RA national hymn. The RA National Assembly President Artur Baghdasaryan then presented the agendas of the session and the four-day sittings, and the deputies of the National Assembly voted for their adoption.

The deputies of the National Assembly re-approved the staff of the Ad hoc Accounting Committee, accepted with voting the recommendation of Artur Baghdasaryan, President of the National Assembly, to invite Larisa Alaverdyan, former Ombudsperson, in order to hear the annual activity report of the previous year. The National Assembly refused the NA deputy Viktor Dallakyan’s recommendation on broadcasting by RA Public television the discussions connected with the election of the Human Rights Defender/Ombudsman, which is put on the agenda.

The NA deputies discussed the issue of the Ombudsman’s election.

Artashes Geghamyan, Chairman of Azgayin Miabanutiun/National Unity faction, presented the candidate of their faction, Ruben Torosyan, and Galust Sahakyan, Chairman of RPA faction, presented Armen Harutiunyan’s candidacy. Then the candidates expressed their views on the activity of the Institute of Ombudsman and the works to be done. Then they answered the deputies’ questions.

The discussions of the issue of the Ombudsman’s election will continue at February 7 National Assembly sitting.

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