Instead of Powers Given to Former Special Investigation Service, Same Powers Prescribed for Anti-Corruption Committee
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At March 14 sitting, chaired by Gevorg Papoyan, the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs debated in the first reading the draft law on Amending the Law on Securities Market authored by the Government.

The key rapporteur, the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Yeranuhi Tumanyants noted that Article 48.20 of the Law HO-147-N on Anti-Corruption Committee adopted by the National Assembly on March 24, 2021, stipulates that the Law HO-255-N on Special Investigation Service adopted on November 28, 2007, is recognized invalid from the day the mentioned law enters into force, and the activity of the Special Investigation Service is considered terminated.

According to the legislative amendment, instead of the powers given to the former Special Investigation Committee, the same powers are prescribed for the Anti-Corruption Committee.

It was also noted that as a result of the adoption of the legal regulation proposed by the draft law, the normal activity of the Anti-Corruption Committee will be ensured.

No significant reduction in revenues or increase in expenditures of the RA State Budget is envisaged in terms of the adoption of the draft law.

In connection with the entry into force of the draft law, the Deputy Chair of the Committee Artur Khachatryan proposed to enter it into force not on the tenth day fallowing the day of its official publication, but on the day following the day of its official publication. The Committee members voted for the proposal.

As a result of debate, the draft law was endorsed.