At Least 50 Medical Centres Should Be Reconstructed and Re-Equipped by Government Programme Until 2026: Anahit Avanesyan
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At the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs the Report on Implementation Process and the Results for 2021 of the RA Government Programme (2021-2026) approved by the N 234-A decision of the RA Government of 28 February 2022 was debated.

The RA Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan noted that in 2021 the policy of the government was aimed at rendering accessible, qualified, modern health services in the sphere of health, the prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases, early disclosure, the treatment and the accessibility of the medicine.

The year 2021 was overloaded because of coronavirus, the system worked overloaded, on one hand serving the patients infected by the pandemic, on the other hand – other patients. The medicine package being provided to the children in the framework of the state demand was expanded. In 2021 58 kinds of medicine was obtained in the centralized order from the state budget on a number of diseases, which was provided to 199.000 beneficiaries. Compared with 2020, the number of the beneficiaries making use of medicine free package increased by about 200.000. The new provisions of the law on Reproductive Health were in force from the financial year, which gave bigger opportunities of making use of the powers given to the citizens by law.

The Minister touched upon the steps being taken in early revelation of the diseases.

It has been noted that the works on the capital investments continue: essential repairing works are carried out in a number of regional hospitals.

In terms of protection of human rights, Ananhit Avanesyan emphasized the development and the accessibility of the comprehensive electronic system for the citizens. In 2021 the automated system of the birth and death registrations was operated.

The Committee Chair Taguhi Tovmasyan has been interested in the test price fluctuations designed for COVID-19 in different laboratories, the repairing of Vardenis hospital, noting that the situation is concerning.

To Anahit Avanesyan’s assessment, the price of the PRC tests should be observed through the time, as the prices had been abruptly changed. According to the Minister, there are different import prices, the price is formed taking into consideration not only the price of the test, but also the necessary financial allocations for the laboratory equipment and for the medical workers.

The Minister informed that by the Government programme at least 50 medical centres should be reconstructed and re-equipped until 2026. Vardenis hospital is on that list, and in the near future, according to priority, it will be included in the budgeting of the state capital expenditures. According to Anahit Avanesyan, investments were made also in Vardenis hospital, which helped to improve the quality of the medical services.

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