Working Debate on Amendments Being Proposed to RA Law on Procurement
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On March 14, a working debate was held at the initiative of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs on the draft law on Amending the RA Law on Procurement.

The RA NA deputies, the representatives from the executive body, the entities, the lawyers and the other persons concerned about the problem took part in the working debate.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan, presenting the motivation of the debate, noted that the Committee received a number of letters, where the entities expressed their complaints on a number of provisions of the abovementioned law.

The lawyer Aneta Sargsyan has noted that though the customers mention in the technical descriptions submitted by invitations that they can take part also with equivalent product, but the reality is different. According to her, it is never possible to be the first or the second with the equivalent product in the competitions, as the Evaluation Commission assesses the product by the absolute identification of the standards presented by the technical descriptions of the invitation.

Answering to the voiced question, the RA Deputy Minister of Finance Avag Avanesyan has agreed that there are problematic provisions in the RA Law on Procurement, and there is need for amendments.

The RA deputies proposed to stipulate by the draft law that the customer would submit the demand for the product according to technical and functional characteristics.

The entities participating in the debate have presented a number of other problems that they come across.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan offered the entities to make a package of proposals and expressed readiness to debate them and find reasonable solutions.

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