Work Done in Law Enforcement System, in Field of Justice, in Rule of Law and in Fight Against Corruption in 2021 Presented
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At March 15 sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs , chaired by Vladimir Vardanyan, the Report on Implementation Process and Results of the RA Government Programme for 2021 (2021-2026) approved by the N 234-A Decision of the RA Government on February 28, 2022 was debated.

The RA Minister of Justice Karen Andreasyan presenting the work done in the law enforcement system, in the field of justice, in the rule of law and in the fight against corruption in the reporting year noted that the beginning of the constitutional reforms was an important direction in 2021, for which some work was carried out.

Last year, the necessary work was carried out to establish and develop anti-corruption institutional systems. According to the Minister, the Anti-Corruption Committee was created to complete the anti-corruption institutional system. The process of appointing judges to the anti-corruption court has begun.

The number of declarations submitted by declarants has increased in the Corruption Prevention Commission. In the reporting year, large-scale work was done in that direction.

The number of judges has increased in the judiciary, salaries and social guarantees have also been increased in some courts.

In 2021, one of the most important reforms for the Government was the establishment of the Patrol Service. The Yerevan Patrol Service regiment was successfully launched.

According to the results of 2021, for the first time, the enforcement costs charged by the Compulsory Enforcement Service exceeded the costs envisaged by the state budget for the protection of the service by more than 650mln AMD.

Two penitentiary institutions were closed in the Penitentiary Service as an important step in optimization. Karen Andreasyan emphasized that huge work is done for the construction of a new penitentiary institution, after which four penitentiary institutions in Yerevan City will be closed.

The Committee accepted the report as an information.

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