Current Conclusion of RA Audit Chamber on Water Committee Debated at Joint Sitting
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At March 15 joint sitting, the Standing Committees on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs and on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection moderated by Gevorg Papoyan and Vahe Ghalumyan debated the current conclusion of the RA Audit Chamber on Audit Results of State Budget Nine-Month Execution for 2021 in the Water Committee of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure.

The key rapporteur, the Head of the Sixth Department of the Audit Chamber Sargis Vatyan noted that according to nine-month audit results, the during the financial period the Water Committee paid 19bln AMD from the budget means, underperforming the designed expenditures by 36%.

The Chairman of the Water Committee of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vahagn Gevorgyan informed that the audit conclusion of the Audit Chamber was comprehensively debated in the Committee.

He noted that out of 8 non implemented events the Water Committee is responsible for only one – the event on Arpa-Sevan. It has been noted that the result indices of the given year are planned in accordance with the indices of the previous year. The Chairman of the Water Committee documented that connected with the draught the irrigation works of 2021 began one month ahead.

Vahagn Gevorgyan presented clarification on any discrepancy. He stressed the necessity of the institutional reforms in the system.

The speakers answered to the deputies’ various questions.

The Chairman of the RA Audit Chamber Atom Janjughazyan presented new approaches on resolving the problems existing in the sphere, and they would become subject of discussion in the near future.

The Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Gnel Sanosyan noted that all the shortcomings would be taken into consideration and be rectified.

In his word, the Chair of the NA Standing Committees on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan underlined the importance of the strategic change of the agriculture.